Accurate AI Checker to Identify Text from ChatGPT, DeepSeek, GPT5, Claude, and More
Use BypassAny's AI detector to check your content against multiple well-known AI detectors. Get instant AI check results for your text with high accuracy.

All-in-one AI Checker
Our AI detector seamlessly combines leading AI checkers such as GPTZero, Copyleaks, ZeroGPT, Content at Scale, and more into a single solution, enabling you to get results from multiple detectors at once.
AI Detection Redefined
Our multi-layered detection system combines industry-leading technologies to deliver unmatched accuracy in AI content identification.
Advanced Detection Technology
98% accurate AI pattern recognition with real-time processing progress tracking. Get instant results with estimated completion time.
7-in-1 AI Detection
Comprehensive scanning using GPTzero, Copyleaks, ZeroGPT, Crossplag, Sapling, Writer, and BrandWell detectors in parallel.
Smart Result Analysis
Automated verdict system categorizes results into: Human-written (green), 50% Human (yellow), or AI-generated (red) with confidence percentages.
Penalty Protection
Automatic AI detection warnings with one-click access to humanization tools when AI content is detected.
50+ Language Support
Native-level detection capabilities for all major languages including English, Mandarin, Japanese, and European languages.
Seamless Integration
Direct text input/paste, file upload (PDF/DOC/TXT), and sample testing capabilities with live word count tracking.
What Makes Our AI Detector Special?
⚡️Powerful AI Detection Technology
98% accuracy rate guaranteed
🤖Comprehensive AI Detector
Identifies AI content from any LLM
📝 Versatile Use Cases
Accessible to all users in any profession
🛠 All-In-One AI Content Solution
AI Detector and Humanizer available
What Is AI Detector?
An AI detector is a tool that determines if a text was created by artificial intelligence (AI) or authored by a human. These detectors are becoming more vital across multiple areas, such as education, content creation, and publishing, as they help preserve the integrity and authenticity of written material.
What's the Best AI Detector?
The best AI detector currently available is BypassAny. It is renowned for its 98% accuracy in identifying AI-generated content. It can analyze essays, papers, and other written materials, ensuring authenticity and originality. BypassAny integrates results from multiple top AI checkers, including GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and Copyleaks, providing comprehensive detection capabilities. It has also an OpenAI watermark detector, allowing you to find out text generated by the OpenAI GPT models.
What AI Detector Is the Most Accurate?
BypassAny is trained on extensive datasets of both human-written and AI-generated content, resulting in a remarkably low false positive rate of only 2%. Furthermore, our AI checker consolidates results from leading AI detection tools such as GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and Copyleaks for a thorough assessment of the text.
Is Your AI Detector Truly Accurate?
Absolutely! Our AI detection tool employs state-of-the-art algorithms developed to recognize the differences between AI-generated text and human-written content instantly. For this reason, it can be trusted to provide accurate AI scores at all times with an extremely low false positive rate of 2%.
Is This AI Content Detector Free?
Yes. Our AI detector can be accessed for free at no charge. You can scan any content and get accurate AI scores as many times as needed without paying any premiums or even submitting credit card information to get started. For this reason, it remains entirely accessible to any budget-limited user out there.
How Does the AI Writing Detector Work?
Our AI content detector is designed to be extremely user-friendly, so scanning content for signs of AI is a quick and hassle-free process. You just need to copy/paste the content in the text box and select the 'Check for AI' button. The tool will scan the content and produce an accurate AI score in mere seconds. It's that simple!
Does the AI Detector Scan Native Language Content?
Definitely. Our AI detector offers multilingual support that spans 50+ different languages. This includes English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Hindi, Mandarin, Japanese, and many others. We are also continually updating the tool to include more languages, so you can confidently rely on it to scan any native content.
Will the GPT Detector Specify the AI-Language Model Used?
No. For now, the GPT Detector is only capable of helping you distinguish between AI text and human-written content. In other words, it can't provide specifics on which exact AI writing tool was used to generate the content, be it ChatGPT, GPT-4o, etc.